Common Questions
Does Oakbend Physical Therapy accept insurance?
We are in network with Cigna, BCBS, Aetna, and United Healthcare and most major insurance carriers.
How is Oakbend Physical Therapy-Fairfield different than other therapy clinics?
We offer one on one treatment rather than seeing multiple patients per therapist that is done at most other clinics. This allows you to get the attention you deserve and improve with less visits which ultimately saves you money.
How much will my physical therapy visits cost?
Costs will vary depending on your particular insurance plan. Please contact us and we can verify your benefits and give you an estimate on the cost for a physical therapy visit.
If you do not have insurance, our cash prices are $100/visit.
What should I expect for the evaluation?
Please have all of your paperwork completed before you come for your evaluation. After scheduling an evaluation, you will receive information on how to fill out all paperwork online. Please wear appropriate clothing such as shorts and loose clothing in order to have access to the injured body parts. The evaluation will include a history of your injury and examination to identify the pain generators and/or movement dysfunction. If appropriate treatment will be given as well as a home exercise program.
Do I need a referral/physical therapy prescription?
Currently in the state of Texas, we need a physical therapy prescription from your doctor.
The American and Texas Physical Therapy Associations are working hard to change this (we believe you have the right to access our services directly), but in the mean time, if you need skilled physical therapy service from one of our therapists, you’ll need a referral (prescription). Help improve access to physical therapists and remove the referral for treatment requirement by visiting and signing the petition.
Visit for more information.
We are in network with Cigna, BCBS, Aetna, and United Healthcare and most major insurance carriers.
How is Oakbend Physical Therapy-Fairfield different than other therapy clinics?
We offer one on one treatment rather than seeing multiple patients per therapist that is done at most other clinics. This allows you to get the attention you deserve and improve with less visits which ultimately saves you money.
How much will my physical therapy visits cost?
Costs will vary depending on your particular insurance plan. Please contact us and we can verify your benefits and give you an estimate on the cost for a physical therapy visit.
If you do not have insurance, our cash prices are $100/visit.
What should I expect for the evaluation?
Please have all of your paperwork completed before you come for your evaluation. After scheduling an evaluation, you will receive information on how to fill out all paperwork online. Please wear appropriate clothing such as shorts and loose clothing in order to have access to the injured body parts. The evaluation will include a history of your injury and examination to identify the pain generators and/or movement dysfunction. If appropriate treatment will be given as well as a home exercise program.
Do I need a referral/physical therapy prescription?
Currently in the state of Texas, we need a physical therapy prescription from your doctor.
The American and Texas Physical Therapy Associations are working hard to change this (we believe you have the right to access our services directly), but in the mean time, if you need skilled physical therapy service from one of our therapists, you’ll need a referral (prescription). Help improve access to physical therapists and remove the referral for treatment requirement by visiting and signing the petition.
Visit for more information.