Get TestedSet up an appointment and have your test performed
Get the necessary equipmentGet the recommended bands based on your strength testing!
Follow the customized routineFollow your customized arm care program. Program adapts based on strengths/weaknesses.
One of the biggest issues we have seen over the years working with overhead athletes (baseball, softball, swimming, volleyball, etc.) is the lack of a consistent arm care routine. There are a ton of options out there that are good (Tom House's routine, Armored Heat, and the classic J-Bands are a few examples) and we have used them all. is recommended due to the fact that we can measure strength and see progress. With the premium app version, a report is generated that shows progress and also where you stack up against your peers (for baseball players). You are also given a training program to follow through the ArmCare app on your phone that adapts based on your strengths/weaknesses. We also provide arm care recovery after pitching/games that includes soft tissue work, cupping, stretching, and laser treatment.